Monday, June 14, 2010

MF GRIMM on Conspiracy Radio! - Listen here

Celebrate MF Grimm’s 40th born day and illustrious career as we honor and applaud Grimm’s beautiful contribution to our culture and brand new album You Only Live Twice: The Audio Graphic Novel. During this interview Grimm speaks on light issues and at times darker issues, using the show as a canvas to paint and articulate his vibrant work and world. Some of the topics we discuss include his new album, previous material, history, comics, MF DOOM, ghostwriting and a potential MF Grim comics and Hip Hop radio show coming to Conspiracy Worldwide.

Conspiracy Blog


BillyJ said...

great interview grimm, much love for the knowledge.

Unknown said...

Excellent interview Grimm, being a huge comic book n hip hop fan, i love the two worlds combined!